Channel: Allied Media Conference – QUALITY FUTURES 4 CHEAP
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Call for Proposals! Sci-fi at the Allied Media Conference 2014


This just in from our affiliates, the #libtech crew!!!


LIBERATION TECHNOLOGIES : SCI-FI FOR WORLD-BUILDING & SURVIVAL at the Allied Media Conference 2014, June 19~22, 2014

This year the Sci-Fi Track has returned in the form of the Liberation Technologies track, which hopes to use SF (science/speculative fiction) as a tool in fighting oppression, and builds off past tracks and movement building, such as the Science and Social Movements track and the Octavia Butler and Emergent Strategy sessions.

The post-apocalypse is here and real, where ancient and varied cultures and technologies have been erased in the name of Empire and Progress. What do we do when access to memory/the past has been standardized, and the potential to manifest and (dis)embody the joyous unknown has been shamed and left behind?

This track seeks sci-fi and speculative themed session proposals that disrupt, deconstruct, and reframe oppressive mainstream media networks, narratives, and representation by using sci-fi possibilities to reorient existence.

Appropriate themes and activities include:
Afro-futurism, healing practices, bodies and abilities (paranormal, dis- or otherwise), storytelling, emergence, meme-making, imaginative world-building, fan-fiction, magical real[ness], DIY sci-fi, intersectionality, collective memory, speculative cities, exploding binaries, digital places/cyberspaces, redefining science/technology, technologies that are incomplete, gestural & in process, recuperation of technologies both ancient and contemporary, mythology, affect and public regulation of feeling, ∞.

We explicitly seek to welcome & center the #libtech track around:
People of color, black people, trans* people (transwomen, non-binary trans, transmen), youth, native people, fat and abundant people, surveilled people, dis-abled people, mixed people, non-people, and the communities that exist around the lot of us in all our different places and experiences.

>>> Read the FAQs for Submiting AMC Sessions here for questions about session formats more. Please send comments, and questions to our AMPtalk page or to libtechamc@gmail.com.

>>> Submit your Call for Proposals to our Google form here.

Deadline for submissions is March 1st, 2014.

Please share and reblog widely!〜♡


Follow the Liberation Technologies track at their official tumblr here or their facebook page here.

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